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One of the Biggest Decision

we face in our lives is whether to WALK OUT of our comfort zone and step into something new or STAY where things have always been great and comfortable. Either way, we’ll wonder if we’re making a good decision.

I never really understood the phrase “looking for a greener pasture”, especially when a colleague or friend uses it as a reason to leave their current employer. My dad used to tell me that everybody thinks it’s greener on the other side of the fence. Eventually, I realized that sometimes it’s not about finding a better opportunity elsewhere, but more of making an opportunity for yourself. Opportunities can be found everywhere! Even where you already are.

So now, we have to sift through the opportunities available to us through the choices we make in our lives. Of course, each individual has different priorities and values which set us all apart, changing what we see our opportunities and what prospects we decide to pursue. At Chromedia, despite our differences, we still happen to fit all together, pursuing opportunities right where we are as we create great things.

The Company

I remember the first time I applied at Chromedia where Hazel and Jason did the interview. They offered me cherry-filled chocolates while having a casual conversation on what I did as a HR staff in my previous company. The interview was quite short and I appreciated the part where they didn’t make me wait to be interviewed (unlike other companies). I never thought I’d be hired until they called me a couple of days later and told me to start ASAP. Wahoo!!

Given the way they treated me during the interview and how their environment felt the first time I walked into their office, I knew somehow that this would be a good place to start a new phase in my career.

As soon as I got the good news that I was hired, I gave my notice of resignation the next day and packed up my things in my old office. This time, I literally “walked out” of my comfort zone, moving out of my previous company.

Chromedia has been around for six years and counting. I officially joined the company on December 3, 2012 (Yeah! I know, it’s been five and a half years already) and I remember talking to no one on my first day since chatting was so new to me. I had a seatmate named “Jesu” who wore earphones as if they were a speakers because I could easily tell the title of the song he was listening to. As usual, the adjustment period started. Just like anyone else who is new to the company, I had to learn…. a lot.

And I did…
And I was able to add value to the company….


Fast forward to today…

As Chromedia has grown, I may no longer have a seatmate (just a separate table) but I now have a family — a family of creative, intelligent, witty, loving, dedicated, amazing but sometimes crazy, and attractive weirdos that never makes a day pass by without a laugh. We are so different in so many ways but somehow we all fit together when it comes to work and play. As they say, one should always work hard but play harder.


Work and Play

I believe we should all strive to be a better version of ourselves everyday and I guess that starts to show when we work. Most of us work five days a week and we see each other everyday, so there’s a lot of interaction going on. We get to know each other down to the bone which makes it more interesting. We also enhance our teamwork by getting to know each other more through company outings or simple get togethers in the office. One of the most fun and surprising ways this has been done is through playing…


“The Only Game that Matters”

We have this game we play every company event since its inception. It gives us the most laughs and, along with our other activities, bonds us in a way no other company will ever understand (like the “summer” dance move).

The game was rolled out in the summer of 2017 at Hale Manna resort. Simply a relay with a twist, this game fostered creativity and teamwork but included a lot more thinking than it was supposed to given the conditions of the game that didn’t include talking.

I had major discoveries about my colleagues in this game. Apparently some people don’t know what a WHALE is! Or a WREATH! So yeah! Who would have thought those words could be so foreign? Well, at least their vocabulary grew as they continued to join this game every outing.


Highly Competitive

I’m not sure if its because the squad is really intelligent or because it’s innate for them to be competitive. It’s amazing to see how the guys compete fiercely with each other, inciting so much laughter while doing it. I honestly haven’t seen a group of people who are so comfortable with themselves (and each other) while doing something considered “weird/different” by the general population. It is as if the company really cultivates these attributes.

They say “people with socially awkward personalities tend to be more loyal to friends and faithful when in a relationship”. I say when people with the most awkward personalities get together they tend to have the most joyous life experiences.

“We’re one group united by our interests and individuality.” It’s a quote from Nerds (yes, the candy) and it suits us perfectly. Here’s a glimpse of who we are and how we roll: 


I’m thankful and eternally grateful for the guys and gals who have been with me ever since I started and for more years to come.

A wonderful and challenging work culture, good friends and an amazing boss are a few reasons why I still choose to STAY.

Abby, HR/Admin

Abby is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s human resources and facilities. Her experience in the human resources area is overshadowed only by her effervescence. Her insatiable passion for learning new things and applying social experiments in the workplace has provided her with cutting edge HR experience. The wealth of knowledge she has acquired throughout her career while leading various departments has provided her with the necessary skills she needs to take Chromedia to new heights on the domestic and international scene. In addition, Abby holds a BA in Psychology and an MBA from the University of the Philippines.