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Throughout our lives, we were always taught to learn. Learn from our parents, from school, our friends, our relatives, the Internet and our experiences. They say that experience is the best teacher. But if I were to choose, it would slightly be better if we could just learn things vicariously instead of going through the hardships.

But as it turns out, even hardships can teach us a thing or two about self-confidence. Yes, you heard that right. There are other ways to build self-esteem aside from heaping on praise for everything.


So, what’s self-confidence and why is it so important anyway?

Self-confidence is the feeling of trusting one’s abilities, qualities and judgement. It is the fuel that pushes you to do more and see a life without limits.

Why am I suddenly saying this? The past few months have been quite demoralizing for all us here at Chromedia. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to a few of our junior developers. The effects of the event left a residue to those who were yet to be judged on their 6th month of (probationary) employment. The morale of the existing probationary employees slowly trickled, and this showed significantly in their behaviour.

Knowing this, the management had to take extra strides in ensuring that the remaining employees feel valued and appreciated – that things will turn out ‘okay’ – as long as they (the probationary employees) keep on learning and improving themselves.

To tell you the truth, undergoing the process was not as easy as I thought it would. It breaks our heart to know that we had to forego some employees. But at the end of the day we are still thankful that we were able to provide them with opportunities to demonstrate their competence. In fact, they were able to land quickly that next job several days after leaving. And somehow, this makes me conclude that working in Chromedia helps increase a person’s market value.

And so I say… Mistakes are fine every once in a while, as long you don’t turn it into a habit. And that as much as possible, learn from it so you can move forward and achieve success along the way.

Henceforth, from five junior developers, we are now down to two since the start of April 2015. At this point, we are very happy to congratulate Diovannie and Joan for making it through their first six-month journey in Chromedia. We hope that they will continue to challenge themselves in the upcoming months, especially in their involvement with the new projects.

Finally, we would also like to extend our warmest welcome to Menard, Alfonz, Jeff and Alec, who are now part of the Chromedia family. These three new developers: Menard, Alfonz, Jeff are skilled developers who are set to handle many different great projects for the company.

Menard and Alfonz are both graduates of BS Computer Science at the University of San Carlos. They are both seasoned web developers and are very enthusiastic about using different management tools and coding languages. Jeff has achieved a lot to become a full stack developer. He taught himself how to code through a series of online courses, and is now the proud lead developer of a startup group called Alec, on the other hand, is one of the newest American counterparts of Chromedia. He will be helping out Greg and Jason look for more clients or projects to keep the business growing. Hence, we will be seeing more of him online, and hopefully he gets to visit the Cebu branch soon too.

Abby, HR/Admin

Abby is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s human resources and facilities. Her experience in the human resources area is overshadowed only by her effervescence. Her insatiable passion for learning new things and applying social experiments in the workplace has provided her with cutting edge HR experience. The wealth of knowledge she has acquired throughout her career while leading various departments has provided her with the necessary skills she needs to take Chromedia to new heights on the domestic and international scene. In addition, Abby holds a BA in Psychology and an MBA from the University of the Philippines.