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They say that it’s never too late to start something new, may it be in fashion, food, or even in our everyday routine. “Something new” connotes taking risks, not necessarily only the nerve-racking type, but also simply just taking a step out of your comfort zone. Can you recall the last time you took one?

Obviously, moving forward is a big step, and it is no wonder why most of us stay where it is comfortable and safe. This is how we are programmed. This is how we are designed to operate. But nowadays, it’s becoming a trend to act against our programming in order to succeed.

The degree of how far a person can succeed will be based on how much more risk they can take on. The degree of change a person can handle also depends on their personal experience and willpower.

December last year was the first time in four years where we deviated from our usual Christmas Party mechanics with the party no longer being held at a hotel this time. The team agreed to have a bountiful dinner at Buffet 101 located at City Time Square and do some type of activity at Parkmall to make us all famished before dinner.


Extreme Aeropark (Indoor Trampoline Park)

The indoor trampoline park just landed in Cebu and the team agreed to TRY it out. Thanks to this oh-so enticing Youtube video clip. This was definitely “something new” and worthwhile doing, especially since we’ve been sitting down on our desk chairs for a year. It was time to get up and jump! The trampoline park, without a doubt, gave us the experience of our lives!

Now, who ever said we were too old to do this? Were we still up for this?

Well, the answer was I guess “MAYBE”. We all didn’t feel good the next day given that it was a working day but we SURVIVED. I guess that’s the most important thing after all.

Dinner time at Buffet 101

Despite the taxing activity at the trampoline park, we managed to have some energy left to eat at an international buffet. Some of our aching joints started to manifest but this did not stop the team from trying out all the food available.

While the kids enjoyed the chocolate fountain and the unlimited ice cream, the adults went over each international station to try out their food and drinks, as well as make the most of the unlimited beer —- which was what the boys wanted and is arguably the best part of the buffet (for them, maybe).

So, what can go wrong with a buffet like this?


Survey says…

After the party, I just had to let the guys evaluate how everything turned out.

Out of 18 employees, only half happened to answer my online survey and results are as follows:


Part 1: Activity at Extreme Aeropark

Truly the jumping, tumbling, slamming, climbing and falling made for a very enjoyable event after all. But maybe, the crippling effect afterwards tipped the satisfaction scales. An average of 7.78 is still not bad for an entirely new activity for our Christmas party.


Part 2: Dinner at Buffet 101 Restaurant


Based on the graphs above, the food at Buffet 101 restaurant was great! Although there was not much information on why one answered “other”, the 10-pt scale signifies that it couldn’t be a bad thing (Average: 9.22).

To sum it all up, taking a risk in how we celebrated last year’s Christmas party was worthwhile after all. After four years, the change was refreshing.


Chromedia’s New Faces

New year means new people! The more the merrier!

Meet Aldrin, Patrick, Hansel and Pat. All of them are web developers. The first three are assigned to the Spoke project while Pat is a Django specialist assigned to the project Geolens. Welcome to Chromedia!


In addition to the new faces of Chromedia, there are also a couple of people to congratulate for a job well done. First off, two employees were awarded “Employee of the Year” last December 2016. They’ve done a good job in being an example for everyone.

Congratulations, Jociel and Mignonne!

Secondly, doing exemplary work for the past year is Adelbert Silla. He has successfully been leading a team of developers and managing the project on his own for more than a year now without supervision. Our clients have been very happy with his performance,which is why management would like to thank and recognize him with this “Exemplary Work” certificate.

Abby, HR/Admin

Abby is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the company’s human resources and facilities. Her experience in the human resources area is overshadowed only by her effervescence. Her insatiable passion for learning new things and applying social experiments in the workplace has provided her with cutting edge HR experience. The wealth of knowledge she has acquired throughout her career while leading various departments has provided her with the necessary skills she needs to take Chromedia to new heights on the domestic and international scene. In addition, Abby holds a BA in Psychology and an MBA from the University of the Philippines.