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Code Bytes
May 8, 2015

Featured Project: Holy Yoga

Holy Yoga is a non-profit Christian ministry founded in 2003 in Moorhead City, Minnesota, which makes use of the essential yoga elements in worshipping Jesus Christ. In essence, Holy Yoga is designed to provide believers and non-believers alike the opportunity to authentically connect to Christ through yoga movements, physical worship,…
Workforce Management
April 24, 2015

HR Corner

Overall, 2015 seems to be a good year for all of us here at Chromedia. Why? Well, just recently we managed to hire two new web developers, i.e. James Euangel Limpiado and Jafet Kim De Veyra. I would also like to commend these two gentlemen for appearing at our doorstep…
Code Bytes
April 24, 2015

How Did Data Become Such a Big Deal?

Data now stream from daily life: from computers and mobile phones, television and the ‘internet of things’ --- to everyday objects that send and receive data. In fact, there’s too much of it, and even more is produced every second, every day. However, is there value in mining and unlocking…
March 17, 2015

Rant-o-matic 6000: Form Follows Function

<initiate clean version> Design is an art form. Art imitates nature. In nature, form follows function. It is the mandate of the cosmos. Planets, stars, animals, plants, that pimple on your earlobe do not look like that simply for aesthetics. Their appearance has a purpose. Form follows Function. Let us…